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1995: Detienen a Kevin Mitnick

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Un día como hoy pero en 1995 fue arrestado Kevin Mitnick que en esos tiempos se le acusaba de entrar en algunos de los ordenadores más seguros de los Estados Unidos y ante de eso ya había sido procesado en tres ocasiones anteriores 1981, 1983 y 1987.

Fue capturado después de dos años de haber evadido a la a las autoridades fue detenido en Raleigh, Carolina del Norte.

Cuando fue la captura el departamento de justicia mostró el siguiente comunicado:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         CRM
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1995                       (202) 514-2008
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888

                        IN NORTH CAROLINA

     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- FBI agents and the Raleigh-Durham
Fugitive Task Force today arrested Kevin Mitnick, a well-known
computer hacker and federal fugitive on charges he violated
probation, the Department of Justice announced.
     The arrest occurred at 1:30 a.m. after an intensive two-week
electronic manhunt, which led law enforcement agents to Mitnick's
apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina.  
     Mitnick, 31, was convicted by federal authorities in 1988 in
Los Angeles for stealing computer programs and breaking into
corporate networks.  He received a one-year sentence in that
case, and a federal warrant was later issued following Mitnick's
violation of probation.
     In this most recent incident, Mitnick is alleged to have
electronically attacked numerous corporate and communications
carriers located in California, Colorado, and North Carolina
where he caused damage and stole proprietary information.
     Mitnick's capture represents a coordinated effort by law
enforcement and private industry, including system administrators
and security representatives from companies allegedly attacked by
Mitnick.  One of these sites, the San Diego Supercomputer Center
(SDSC), and Tsutomu Shimomura, a Senior Fellow at SDSC, provided
significant assistance to law enforcement personnel during the
     Mitnick also is under investigation by state law enforcement
authorities in California and Washington State for separate
activities there.
     As is typical in such interstate computer cases, many FBI
offices, U.S. Attorneys' offices, and other law enforcement
agencies have coordinated their efforts.  These offices include
the FBI's National Computer Crime Squad at the Washington
Metropolitan Field Office, as well as FBI and U.S. Attorneys'
Offices in Raleigh and Greensboro, North Carolina; San Diego, Los
Angeles and San Francisco, California; and Denver, Colorado.
     Members of the Raleigh-Durham Task Force which made the
arrest included the U.S. Marshals Service, the North Carolina
State Bureau of Investigation, and the local sheriffs' offices.
     Legal and technical assistance is also being provided by the
Criminal Division's Computer Crime Unit in Washington, D.C.
                            #   #   #     #

Este caso alcanzó una gran popularidad entre los medios estadounidenses por la lentitud del proceso (hasta la celebración del juicio pasaron más de dos años), y las estrictas condiciones de encarcelamiento a las que estaba sometido (se le aisló del resto de los presos y se le prohibió realizar llamadas telefónicas durante un tiempo por su supuesta peligrosidad).

Tras su libertad en 2002, Kevin Mitnick se dedica a la consultoría y el asesoramiento en materia de seguridad, a través de su compañía Mitnick Security.
La vida de Kevin Mitnick y, en especial, la persecución que condujo a su captura en 1995, han dado lugar a multitud de libros y otro material de ficción. De entre todos destaca la novela Takedown, que relata su último arresto, y de la cual han sacado una película con el mismo título, Takedown.

Si deseas conocer mas acerca del caso Mitnick con fechas y archivos multimedia, da clic aquí